AOMSC2025 will host the “AOMSC Young Scientist Forum (YSF)” as a pre-event, bringing together early-career researchers in the field of mass spectrometry. The goal of this forum is to foster academic exchange, discuss the latest developments in mass spectrometry, build international research networks, and promote collaborative projects. We also aim to provide an ideal environment for researchers who are new to mass spectrometry, as well as students and young employees giving their initial oral presentations of exploratory research. Through this forum, we hope to nurture next-generation researchers from industry, government, and academia and thereby contribute to the advancement and social impact of mass spectrometry research. Participation is free of charge.
16:00–16:30: Registration for YSF
16:30–19:00: Self-Introductions and Poster Presentations (※You can choose whether to give a poster presentation or simply attend)
19:15–21:00: Dinner
When completing your application (via the same online participation registration), please include the following:
A. Presentation Details
B. Short Abstract (up to 200 words)
C. “YSF Best Presentation Award” Application
No edits or withdrawals will be accepted after the submission deadline.